Light Your Home with Jewish Silver Candelabras
Jewish silver candelabras owing to its roots in the Jewish culture draws great significance in current times. With a branch of 5 or more arms coming out from the main stem, the candelabras are associated to light up the home to share the beauty of Shabbat, the day of peace and merriment in the Jewish culture.
Apart from that, the Jewish faith is built on the veneration of God and the embodiment of symbolism, and Jewish silver candle bras are one of the most significant and common things to find in every Jewish household.
The significance of the Jewish silver candelabras aims back to pre-historic times when the Jewish cultures forbid the use of candles to light up their homes. With the candelabras available across different sizes and construction representing different ideas behind the culture, they found popularity in modern times, due to their aesthetic beauty and the depiction of the pre-historic culture.
Dating back to the ancient Jewish tribulations and times, these candle bras hold the light to peace and their cultural significance in modern-day Jewish rites.
You can either light them with the delicate earthen lamps or you can use the electric lights to light your home in the evening. The detailed designing and the intricate lines within the design makes it stand out. The branches may differ from one candelabra to another, as even a 12 branched candelabra is also available that you can purchase to enlighten your home.
In fact, when I was growing up, I distinctively remembering one of the most significant Jewish artefacts that I grew up seeing in my Grandmother’s home, was the Jewish silver candelabras. Carefully kept and always taken well care of.
An artefact of the Jewish culture you can even purchase them to not enlighten your house but decorate it. Plated with gold and having seven arms, the menorah represents the beauty of the ancient times when they were lit to bring light to the Jews. Carved with the activities of the 12 tribes upon them, the symbolism of the Jewish culture is reflected through this candelabra.

Depending upon the country of their origination or the era, Jewish silver candelabras differ in style and size. Though the trend of the cult will also influence the features, they go ahead to reflect the same originating point of the culture. You can either purchase the candelabra which showcases subtlety through its design, or you can purchase the one which is fitted with ornaments aggrandizing your mansion.
Some of the important points which we must know before buying the candelabra include:
· Both men and women are eligible to light the candelabra. No restriction is put by the Jewish culture on the same, hence the head of the family or even the entire family can participate in lighting. In fact, during Shabbat, children are also ushered and encouraged to light the candelabra.
· Be it on the window pane which looks the street or near the doorway, it is preferred to light the candelabra in your own home. If you are travelling, it is recommended to light it in the house of your host by tipping your host. Being a hosteler, it is recommended to use the coloured lights to light it in your hostel room. In fact, many travelling Jews carry their artefacts if they would be spending time away from home for a while.
· Perform the prayers as you light the candelabra as a sign on blessings from God and thanking him for all the power and strength. It is a true testimony in remembering the turbulent journey of the Jewish faith over time. It is a true commitment to the faith and community in always surviving and surviving with the best they have.
Buying the Jewish silver candelabras should not be a worry as you can purchase the best candelabra from your desired online stores. You are assured that you will get tons of designs straight from Israeli and Jewish artisans from around the world. With their crafts being carried form one Jewish home to the other, you can see the traditions footprint everywhere.
Before purchasing one, make sure you locate the place where you shall be keeping it in your home as well as select the best one to accentuate the beauty of your home.